2021 Bond Updates
Update 12-10-21: Intermediate Campus: As many of you know, there is a lot of planning that takes place in order to break ground on a 70,000 square foot new campus. Although dirt has not started to turn, there have been lots of meetings and work being done behind the scenes to ensure we are providing the best facility we can and being fiscally responsible to our community. Besides building out construction documents, some of that work also includes mechanical, electrical, and plumbing engineering; soil samples; design meetings; and surveys. One factor that our LRPC (Long Range Planning Committee) had to pause and consider was how the unprecedented growth we saw this summer affected the original plan for the new intermediate campus. Their unified consensus was not to open the campus and be at capacity immediately. This prompted the administration and architects to work together to grow the footprint of the building by approximately 10,000 square feet to accommodate more students, which means the entirety of the May 2021 bond will need to go toward the new intermediate campus. We are pleased to announce we are nearing completion of the construction document phase and should be ready to begin bidding out the work in early January. We are still on track, and shooting for occupation by July of 2023. You can expect to see dirt turning and mobilization of crews by March 2022. Here are a few looks at the elevations of the new building. It will accommodate grades 4-6 and a total student population of 600. There will be a new cafeteria, library, and gymnasium as planned.
All purpose field house: This project has taken longer than expected to get off the ground. Due to various economic and regional workforce reasons, the district has had a difficult time getting certain trades to show interest in the job. However, we are finally able to move forward. Plumbing should start in the next week, and concrete poured in January. The building package has been delivered, and erection will begin as soon as the foundation is ready. We are shooting for completion by summer. It will take some pushing and organization, but we are very hopeful.
Other: As we mentioned before, thanks to you, we were able to address the parking lot, drainage issues, and parent pick up loop at the JH and rock gym with bond proceeds. This has proven to be a great benefit to that campus and our families. We also replaced the elementary cafeteria HVAC unit and brought in more portables to accommodate the growth. As things develop and change, our goal is to be completely open, honest, and transparent each step of the way. Building a new school is a lot of work, but it is also fun and exciting. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us.