TEA Notices
Public Comments on Proposed Rulemaking
TEA recently published a correspondence requestingschool districts and open-enrollment charter school publish on its website links to TEA's web pages that house proposed rules of the commissioner of education, State Board of Education (SBOE), and State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC). The intent of publishing these links is to encourage public participation in the process of making rule changes. The links are as follows:
Proposed rules include changes to FIRST Ratings in TEC Chapter 39, Subchapter D, Financial Accountability.
The TEA correspondence can be found at: https://tea.texas.gov/About_TEA/News_and_Multimedia/Correspondence/TAA_Letters/Public_Comments_on_Proposed_Rulemaking/
- Commissioner of education rules:
- SBOE rules:
- SBEC rules: